Exciting News: Mtambo Podcast announced the Winner of APVA Awards 2024!

Mtambo Podcast APVA Award Certificate

Mtambo Podcast Crowned King of the Game at the African Podcast and Voice Awards 2024!

Ladies and gentlemen, believers in the power of technology and innovation, the drums have been beaten, the votes are in, and the tech world has spoken! With immense joy (and a few dance moves), I'm thrilled to share with you great news that Mtambo Podcast by Duke Mtambo has just been crowned King of the Game at the African Podcast and Voice Awards 2024 under the Technology and Innovation category!

That’s right, Mtambo Podcast has officially been chosen as the top podcast in the Technology and Innovation category, and I am over the moon! Hold on to your headphones, because this moment is nothing short of legendary! 🎉👑

What This Means to Me (A Humorous, Yet Deep Dive)

Now, let me be honest, when I first started the Mtambo Podcast back in October 2022, I had no idea we would end up here. I was just a curious Kenyan entrepreneur with a microphone and an endless fascination with the way technology could change the world. Fast forward to 2024, and here we are, holding the coveted King of the Game title. It’s like we went from “Hey, can you hear me?” to “And the winner is...Mtambo Podcast!”

This award means everything to me—well, except the fact that I now have to wear a crown every time I podcast (I mean, I could pull it off, right?). But beyond the glitz and glamour, this win represents the hard work, passion, and vision that I have poured into each and every episode. It signifies the belief that innovation and storytelling can spark meaningful conversations, change perspectives, and bridge communities across the world.

Gratitude Overflowing: A Thank You to My Army of Supporters

First and foremost, I want to thank Almighty God, because without Him, none of this would have been possible. This journey has been a rollercoaster of emotions, challenges, and breakthroughs, and He has been my steadfast guide throughout it all.

To my family members—my rock, my constant source of love and support—this victory belongs to you too. You've stood by me during the late-night recording sessions, the brainstorming marathons, and those moments when I questioned if I was on the right path.

To my friends, who kept pushing me forward, whether it was a like, a share, or just letting me practice my podcast intros at every social gathering—your support has been invaluable. I promise I’ll let you host your own episode one day (maybe).

To my amazing guests, who brought their A-game and then some—wow. From world-renowned tech visionary like Alexander Bard, a groundbreaking entrepreneur like David Ogiga, or a deep thinker like Jakub Simek, you’ve all brought wisdom, knowledge, and passion to the table. Every conversation we've had has pushed boundaries and sparked new ideas, and this award is a testament to your brilliance as much as it is to mine. You made each episode shine, and I’m eternally grateful.

And how could I forget YOU—my incredible audience?! You’ve been the lifeblood of this podcast. Whether you’ve been listening since day one or just recently joined the journey, every listen, every vote, and every comment helped us get here. I can confidently say, we did this together.

A Special Shoutout to the Judges and APVA

I also want to extend a heartfelt vote of thanks to the judges and the Association of African Podcasters and Voice Artists for seeing the potential in my podcast and believing in the vision we are crafting. You’ve validated the work we do, and I promise this is just the beginning. Mtambo Podcast is about to grow even bigger and bolder—brace yourselves for what’s coming!

Emotional and Happy Moments Rolled Into One

When I started this podcast, I knew it would be a challenge, but I also knew it was something the world needed—a platform that explores the intersection of technology, culture, and innovation. This award is a celebration of that vision, but more importantly, it’s a celebration of the journey.

There were moments when the path seemed unclear, when downloads were low, and doubts crept in. But as I reflect on this achievement today, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and joy. Every challenge we faced was worth it, every moment of uncertainty has led us here.

Today, Mtambo Podcast stands tall, crowned as the King of the Game, and I couldn’t be prouder.

The Future? Bigger, Bolder, and Even More Inspiring

This award has ignited a new fire in me to keep pushing the boundaries, to keep delivering content that not only informs but also inspires change. We’re not slowing down—not even a bit. Mtambo Podcast will continue to explore the ever-evolving world of technology and innovation, bringing you the most cutting-edge stories from Africa and beyond.

So here’s to many more episodes, more guests, and even more groundbreaking discussions that will move the world forward—one podcast at a time!

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. Let’s keep this energy going. The best is yet to come!

Yours truly,

Duke Mtambo

An Award Winning Podcast Host, Mtambo Podcast


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